Die Hilfefinder-App für Jugendliche in Not
Die Hilfefinder-App für Jugendliche in Not
Lars Street
Lars Street

Preparatory meetings for social empowerment for youth 2015 from 06.Februar - 09.Februar, we meet there the Finns, Poles, Norwegians and us:-) we only fly to Helsinki and go from there by car, along with the delegation from Poland 550 km northeast direction. expected at about - 25 degrees celsius and a lot of snow

Social empowerment for youth 2015

March 2015 (22.03.- 31.03.) in Finland Social empowerment for youth 2015, exactly: Hyvärilä Youth Centre, address Lomatie 12, 75500 Nurmes, Finland

Social empowerment for youth 2015
program+march+2015 new.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 317.3 KB
Packliste :-)
What to bring along to Finland.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 487.1 KB
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1887 Km liegt das geplante Social empowerment for youth 2015 entfernt

1887 Km :-)
1887 Km :-)

Klimadaten Finnland (Nurmes)

Metsäkartano 2019

Metsäkartano 2022